Are you going through a spiritual awakening?

Are you experiencing a shift in your life? Are you questioning your beliefs, values, or purpose? Are you going through an emotional rollercoaster? Do the things that once “fit” before now feel foreign or uncomfortable?
If you answered yes to any of these, you may be experiencing a spiritual awakening.

I spent years struggling with the religious programming from my childhood. I was resistant to exploring my spirituality because I couldn’t separate the two. I was a product of my upbringing and not proud of it. I wanted to know more. I wanted to dig deeper into who I am. I wanted to feel a part of something bigger than me. I wanted to release the things that were holding me back in order to show up as the best version of myself. On a fall afternoon in a grocery story parking lot, through inspiration from a podcast, I surrendered. I talk about this experience in my book, Journey to Soul Center: Discovering the Gift of Surrender. I gave up my idea of what I thought my life was going to look like for whatever God and the universe had in store for me. I had no idea where it would take me.

A few months later, my 17 year old son began to plummet into issues with his mental health and substance abuse. After a failed attempt to take his own life, I was lead through some of the most profound spiritual experiences I will probably ever have in this life. I had no idea that the years and months leading up to these challenging times, my higher power was strengthening my spirirtual connection to guide me through the darkness and into a space of being able to help others. 

My friend, what if the same thing is happening to you? What if your higher power is preparing you for something more? What if you’re meant to embark into something deeper? Here are a few signs you’re awakening: 
-You have a heightened awareness or sensitivity to your surroundings or emotions (both yours and others)
-You have an intense longing for personal development and spiritual transformation
-you’re questioning the beliefs in your upbringing
-you’re noticing coincidences such as repeat numbers, signs in nature or song lyrics
-you feel more deeply connected to others and the world
-you find yourself seeking connection with other like minded people
-you’re longing for a feeling of deep inner peace

Your path is uniquely yours. The recipe that works for your life will have different ingredients than anyone else’s. But if you’re going through a season like ive described above, its important to know you’re not alone. 

So what do you do now that you know you’re on your spiritual awakening journey?

For me, the first step was having a place for my thoughts to flow. With so many emotions and thoughts, having an outlet for them is important. I recommend getting a journal to document the awakening. Its important to know that a spiritual awakening doesn’t have a start and an end. Its a continuous journey. The more time you take with the day to day actions, the better you can manage and regulate the flood of feeling and emotions you may be experiencing. Take time for self reflection.
Next, there needs to be acceptance. Embracing the unknown and the journey has been key for me. I never would have imagined my path would take me through another divorce, moving twice and changing careers. But, if those things had not happened, I would not be helping hundreds of people on their own healing journey. Is it scary? YES! But has it been worth it? HELL YES
Finally, its important to seek guidance! You aren’t the first person to go through an awakening, so let’s not try to reinvent the wheel. Find community to support you. Find a mentor or coach who has the skills to help you walk through this new season. Each one of my mentors has been pivotal in my healing journey. And, at the exact moment when I needed them, they walked into my life and helped me with the next phase of my journey. Be aware of those people who enter your life. Can they help you navigate this new season?
Today, I am still awakening. My life looks nothing like it did several years ago when I surrendered. Some of the journey has been deeply painful…even isolating. But I have a deeper understanding of who I am, why I am the way I am, and the daily actions I need to lead a life from my soul instead of my ego. And you too can navigate your way through this season of change. If you feel you might be experiencing your own spiritual awakening and would like guidance on your journey, I encourage you to book a free discovery call to find out how I can help you navigate through this life changing time. 

Are you awakening? 

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