Have you ever had life stop you in your tracks? Have you set into a mundane routine and then BAM out of nowhere you are redirected?
My friend, this last couple of weeks has thrown me for a loop and I know I can’t be the only one.
I set off for another trip to the Uk in March. I spent the first couple of days in the outskirts of London working on business planning with my business partner, Nimesh. I then headed to another part of the country, Yorkshire, to spend time with my partner and his kids, have some adventures and working on some new projects. After an exhausting travel time, I found myself becoming unusually tired and ultimately ended up sick for the better part of two weeks. I had no idea this was coming and can’t remember the last time I was this sick. It gave me lots of time to reflect while healing. It made me think about my daily routine.
Do you schedule your days? Do you show up in the world the way you feel you are meant to or do you simply respond to what’s happening around you?
I work with people on a daily basis with goal setting and alignment. But, somehow, I had fallen short in how I was taking care of myself. After the last two weeks of quiet introspection, I have come up with a renewed sense of commitment to my daily routine. And, with that has come the desire to share this routine with you. When we have the desire to serve others, sometimes, we can lose ourselves. But the key to living a life of fulfillment, is the day to day habits we create. Those habits ultimately lead us on a path to success and a greater understanding of who we are. In my efforts, my motivation had recently become so focused on helping others, I had forgotten to help myself.
It reminded me of the season after the trauma with my son. I became so focused on being his caregiver that I neglected my own self care routine that I had worked so hard to cultivate. It wasn’t until I was laid up in bed after a botched surgery that I realized the profound impact my lack of routine and self care had on my life.
So today, I want to share with you some of the key self care habits that have helped me stay on track with my goals.
1. Mornings Matter. What do you do when you first wake up? Do you reach for your phone? Do you jump out of bed an immediately start caring for kids or a partner? I have found the most success in creating time just for me before I face the day. I have found great peace in a daily devotional. It is a great way to start the day looking at the “bigger” picture and a reminder of why I am doing the work I am doing. Taking time to meditate for a few minutes before interacting with others has been another great way to start the day calm and with clarity. For far too many years, I would make sure my kids had a healthy breakfast before school and yet I would leave my stomach empty other than the coffee I chugged while making school lunches. Whether it’s an easy to grab protein shake or a bowl of oatmeal, taking the time to fuel my body has been another important part of my morning self care.
2. Move your body. I spent years being an avid runner and working hard for training for big races like the Baltimore Marathon. And though I loved those days, the level of commitment it takes to do that level of running simply doesn’t align with the life I’ve created now. But, this doesn’t mean that movement is not important. It simply means I needed to find a new way in this season to make movement a priority. It can be all too easy to sit at a desk and get lost in all the things we “need” to do. But I have found that taking the time out daily to move my body greatly improves my mood. So these days, often times, it looks like a brief walk. When the weather permits, I love to get outside in nature to make this daily habit even more enjoyable. But, if it can’t be outside, I made the leap and joined the local gym. The workouts don’t have to be intense, but rather they need to be consistent. Taking the time to feel the power of moving my physical body has been a great way for me to practice the self care I need and release stress from a busy day. For some people, this time need to be in the morning (like me). For others, it is a great way to end a busy work day and release any tension from work. Regardless of when you make it happen, its simply important to make this act of self care a regular habit. If you haven’t been doing this regularly, start with small goals. You are more likely to stick with it if you set an achievable step in the direction of making your health a priority …one step at a time!
3.Connection. Many of us work remotely, especially since the pandemic. This has left us feeling isolated and disconnected. But think about how good it feels to connect with a friend or family member! Having a conversation over coffee or dinner can be a real boost to our mood and another great way to practice self care. It is important to find ways to connect with the ones we love. Don’t have time for dinner or coffee? What about picking up the phone and having a chat with someone you enjoy? These connections are so important. My daughter recently had a baby. My first grandchild! Since the birth of her baby, we find time to talk on the phone every single day. I am so grateful for these calls and the time to see my little granddaughter on video chat. It is a part of my day I look forward to and I make sure it is a priority. It fills my soul to have this connection and it is another way for me to practice self care by connecting with those l love.
4. Sleep. For many years, I fought the idea that I was someone who needs more sleep. I was almost embarrassed that I longed to climb into bed as soon as I had my kids settled. Fighting against what my body needed made it hard for me to get out of bed the next morning. I struggled with lack of motivation and the ability to concentrate simply because I was too proud to admit I needed more sleep. These days I am fiercely committed to honoring what my body needs. When my youngest is getting ready for bed, I am brushing my teeth right along side her. Once she is settled in bed, I grab a good book and curl up in bed to settle for the night. This has led to more productive mornings and a more consistent rested routine that benefits everyone in my home. I believe when we make our sleep a priority and listen to our bodies, it has a ripple effect on the next day that can be profound.
5. Gratitude. I work with clients all the time on having an intentional practice of gratitude. It is obvious you are grateful for your family, your job, your home. But, what happens if you dig a little deeper? What are you grateful for in this moment? Today, I am grateful for a doctor here in the UK who prescribed me the meds that I need and to have a body that is healing and recovering from illness. There is something so powerful about being in the moment and recognizing life’s blessings. Think beyond the obvious. Maybe you are grateful for a walk in the park with someone you love on a day where the sun is shining. Maybe you are grateful for the phone call you received unexpectedly from a friend. I encourage my clients to take the time to document these moments of gratitude in a journal. It is a great way to be able to reflect on life’s little blessings and has been proven to improve our mood.
No matter where you are currently with your routine, you have the power to make one small step in the direction of better self care today. It starts with small steps in the direction of creating the life you want. These daily habits have helped me greatly and I am hoping they can help you to create a better plan for your own self care.
What are you going to commit to today?
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